Great Wyrley Parish Council, October, 2024
Notice of Meeting
Wednesday 2nd October, 2024
to be held at
Great Wyrley Community Centre,
Landywood Lane, Great Wyrley. WS6 6JX.
at 7.00p.m.
Recording of Meetings
For administration purposes this meeting may be recorded by the Parish Council.
Please Note: The Parish Council is not responsible for any recordings that may be made by members of the public. Should it be your intention to record the meeting please make this clear prior to its commencement. In the event that a member of the public does not wish to be recorded kindly respect their rights.
One minute silence in memory of the Late John Talbot
To receive apologies which may be forthcoming.
Declarations of Interest
Parish Cllr. Mrs. K. M. Perry MBE represents Locality 3 at South Staffordshire Council’s Planning Committee meetings, and will, therefore, not vote on any planning matters brought before the Parish Council. Cllr. Mrs. Perry may remain at the meeting and any views she may express are based on the information before her at the time. These views may change in the light of further information or debate at a future South Staffordshire Council’s Planning Committee meeting.
To confirm and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th September, 2024.
Chairman’s Announcements
To receive any communications the presiding Chairman may wish to put before the Council.
Public Participation
The Chairman will move that the meeting be adjourned for a period of no more than fifteen minutes to allow any elector of the Parish or his/her representative to raise or question any issue appertaining to official Parish Council business. In order to take advantage of this opportunity a request to do so must have been made within the period of publication of the Agenda and the meeting itself and the request will be put before the Council by the Clerk and responses provided in due course.
Clerk’s Report
(a) Application for Co-option as Councillor onto Great Wyrley Parish Council
(b) Reform of the National Planning Policy Framework
(c) Update on Repairs to Community Centre Defibrillator
(d) Repairs to Wooden Skate ramps at Landywood Lane Playing Field
(e) Location for Coal Mining Memorial CHAPS
(f) Audit Requirement – changes to email and website domains
(g) Condition of Wyrley Brook
(h) Christmas Lunch Ticket Price and Eligibility
(i) Naming of Phase II of Cameron Homes Development
(j) Climate change
County Councillor’s Report
To receive a report from County Councillor on matters pertaining to Staffordshire County Council.
District Councillor’s Report
To receive reports from Councillors on matters pertaining to South Staffordshire District Council.
Reports from Parish Councillors
To receive reports from individual Parish Councillors
Reports from Outside Bodies
To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies
Planning Applications
To consider planning applications received by the Parish Council.
Report of accounts to be authorised for payment.